Tenants: housing law is changing (Renting Homes)

Renting Homes is the biggest change to housing law in Wales for decades. It increases protections for tenants and licensees, and clarifies their rights and responsibilities. Because Renting Homes applies to both tenants and licensees, they are called ‘contract-holders’ under the new law. Your landlord will issue you with an ‘occupation contract’, which will replace your tenancy or licence agreement.

New contracts are now being sent out. If you haven’t received yours, don’t worry, as we’re sending these out in batches. You do not need to do anything with your new contracts, simply keep it in a safe place.

The Welsh Government have put together this easy-to-read document which explains more:

A guide for tenants

The below frequently asked questions (FAQ) will also help answer any questions you may have:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Renting Homes Act Wales?

  • In 2016, the Senedd passed the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 with the aim of making it simpler and easier for landlords and tenants to rent a home in Wales.
  • It introduces many changes to tenancy laws and will apply to both social and private rented sectors.

When will it happen?

  • This will come into effect in December 2022 (note that the original date was 15th of July 2022 but this has changed).

What’s the purpose of the Renting Homes Act?

  • Simplifies agreements and improves the condition of rental homes in Wales
  • Offers greater security and certainty to tenants and landlords

Who does it affect?

  • All Landlords – private and social
  • All Tenants – private and social

Why is it happening?

  • To make it simpler and easier for landlords and tenants to rent a home in Wales.

What is changing?

  • New terminology will be used e.g. Tenancy agreement will be know as an Occupation Contract and Tenant as Contract Holder
  • Tenancy Agreements will be replaced by Occupation Contracts
  • Increase security – 6 months’ notice will need to be given as long as the contract is not breached.
  • All properties must be safe – such as working smoke alarms and electrical safety testing.
  • A fair and consistent approach to anti-social behaviour.
  • Increase Succession rights to pass on your home.
  • Contract Holder can be added or removed without the need to end the contract.
  • Landlords will be able to repossess Abandoned properties without a court order

What does it mean for me as a tenant?

  • It will simplify and improve your rights as a tenant.
  • It will improve how landlords manage rented homes in Wales

How will it affect me?

  • Existing tenants will receive a contract within 6 months of the 1st December replacing your Tenancy Agreement.
  • New tenants after the 1st December will sign the new contract in the usual way and will receive a copy within 14 days.
  • Contracts offer you a greater security and certainty.

Is it going to cost me or have an effect on my rent?

  • No, this has no effect on your rent or cost you any money.

When will I receive my new contract?

  • Contracts will be sent out from 20th March 2023. If you haven’t received yours, don’t worry, as we’re sending these out in batches.

What will I need to do?/ Is there anything I need to do?

  • The only thing you will need to do is read your contract and familiarise yourself with your rights and responsibilities.