AD Homes celebrates 20 years work anniversary

Ruth Lanham-Wright,  Assistant Director Homes, celebrates 20 years working at NWH on 29th July ’22. Ruth  started off collecting rent for Supported Housing and has also worked for the Finance team. She has some amazing experience and knowledge of NWH and some great stories to tell.

Happy Anniversary from us all at NWH, and thank you for amazing contribution every day.

We took the opportunity to ask Ruth some questions about her 20 years here, a great opportunity for her to reflect.

Can you please provide a brief career summary of your time at NWH

I started out at NWH collecting rent for the Supported Housing team.  I soon became involved in grant funding applications and invoicing agencies which brought me to the attention of the Head of Finance.  She approached me and asked if I would apply for the post of Senior Finance Officer.  This was quite a baptism of fire as the team became unhappy and all left, just before financial year end.  This was a blessing as I recruited a great team which included John!  I line managed the finance team for a few years and then, during a restructure, was successful gaining the post Managing the Finance and Incomes Teams.  Along with this post, I was also offered sponsorship and support from the Organisation to qualify as an Accountant.  I gained my 1st Degree in Applied Accounting and have been chipping away at the post-graduate papers still.  I have two exams left to fully qualify as a Chartered Certified Accountant.  I was given the opportunity to work at a Senior Leader level when I covered Emma’s maternity leave.

Whilst working in finance, I was seconded a couple of times to the maintenance team to carry out trouble shooting (sort out the mess!) with the budgets, service charges, systems and processes.  This gave me the opportunity to apply for and succeed in being given the post as Interim Assistant Director Homes.  I gained this as a permanent position and am still loving working with the Homes Team.

What have been the main changes you have seen?

I have seen a lot of change over the years, from fast growth to slow growth and numerous changes in leadership.  New leadership always brings new culture and opportunities.  The recent change to working in an agile way and a culture of trust and care for our tenants is probably the biggest change I have seen during my time and, I think, a very positive change.

What has been your highlight about working at NWH?

Gaining my degree was a big highlight for me.  I got a bit wayward in my late teens and pretty much dropped out of school during my A-Levels so to gain a 1st Degree was a fantastic opportunity I am grateful to North Wales Housing for.  Progressing in my career from a junior officer to a member of the Senior Leadership Team has also been a highlight for me.

What do you love about working at NWH?

I have had a lot of opportunity from North Wales Housing over the years for which I am so grateful.  I have worked in several departments and different levels.  I can’t believe I have been here for 20 years, and I love that I am still learning every day.

I have had a lot of personal change over those years which the Organisation has supported me with.  From having a baby and raising a child in a family friendly environment to the amazing care, flexibility and support the Organisation and colleagues in the Older Person’s team gave to me and my parents when their health deteriorated.  The care the team gave to my father in his final days and the many days spent searching for my wandering mother as her dementia advanced was amazing and I felt very cared for as well.

What I love most about my work at North Wales Housing is that I can use my skills and talents, which tend to be “back office” orientated to feel a hugely rewarding sense of purpose in that I contribute to the work we do to change people’s lives for the better.

If Ruth’s story has inspired you and you would like to work with NWH, take a lot at our current vacancies #MakeaDifference