Adnoddau Iaith Gymraeg Lefel 2
A very warm welcome to you!
Croeso cynnes iawn i chi!
Croeso cynnes iawn i chi!
There are written notes to accompany this Welsh language CD, which are essential to the learning process. Listen to the CD regularly – every day if possible – repeating the words and phrases aloud. You will be surprised how quickly you recall the words and phrases and build on your existing knowledge.
There are also dialogues recorded to demonstrate how these patterns might be used in a realistic situation. These contain additional phrases for realism.
Carry on! Daliwch ati! Daliwch ati!
As a member of North Wales Housing, Tai Gogledd Cymru – you will come across many bilingual terms daily. Let’s re-cap on a few of these and add a few new ones that are used in the community:
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Tai Gogledd Cymru, North Wales Housing
Gorsaf Dân, Fire Station
Gorsaf Heddlu, Police Station
Derbynfa, Reception
Cyfarfod, Meeting
Neuadd y Dref, Town Hall
Neuadd y Pentref, Village Hall
Canolfan Hamdden, Leisure Centre
Swyddfa’r Post, Post Office
Amgueddfa, Museum
Gorsaf, Station
Castell, Castle
Ysbyty, Hospital
Eglwys, Church
Capel, Chapel
Ysgol Fabanod, Infant’s School
Ysgol Gynradd, Primary School,
Ysgol Iau, Junior School
Ysgol Uwchradd, Secondary School
Coleg, College
Maes Parcio, Car Park
Mynedfa, Entrance
Pwll Nofio, Swimming pool
Llyfrgell, Library
Toiledau, Toilets
Canolfan, Centre
Ystafell, Room
[table class=”table”]
Housing Service, Gwasanaeth Tai
Asset Management Service, Gwasanaeth Rheoli Asedau
Supported Housing Service, Gwasanaeth Tai â Chymorth
Resources, Gwasanaeth Adnoddau
Personnel Services, Gwasanaeth Personel
ICT Services, Gwasanaeth TGC
Business Development Services, Gwasanaeth Datblygu Busnes
Business Improvement, Gwasanaeth Gwella Busnes
Operations, Gweithredoedd
Director, Cyfarwyddwr
Head of Service, Pennaeth Gwasanaeth
Manager, Rheolwr
Team Leader, Arweinydd Tîm
Labour Team, Tîm Llafur
Senior Officer, Uwch Swyddog
Officer, Swyddog
Assistant Officer, Cynorthwy-ydd
Administrator, Gweinydd-ydd
Personal Assistant, Cynorthwy-ydd Personol
Management Accountant, Cyfrifydd Rheolaeth
Contracts Officer, Swyddog Cytundebau
Compliance Officer, Swyddog Cydsyniad
Asset Management Surveyor, Syrfewr Rheoli Asedau
Hostel Co-ordinator, Cydlynydd Hostel
Night Warden, Warden Nos
Finance, Cyllid
Health and Safety, Iechyd a Diogelwch
Project, Prosiect
Caretaker, Gofalwr
Rent, Rhent
Now, let’s move on to meet and greet. We touched upon this in CD 1. How much do you remember?
[table class=”table”]
Bore da, Good morning
Sut dach chi?, How are you?
Prynhawn da / P’nawn da, Good afternoon
S’mae?/Sut mae?, How are things?
Noswaith dda, Good evening
Ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, May I help you?
Croeso, Welcome/ You’re welcome
Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, How may I help you?
Sut mae pawb?, How is everyone?
[table class=”table”]
Iawn, Fine
Ardderchog, Excellent
Da iawn. diolch, Very well. thank you
Bendigedig, Wonderful
Ddim yn ddrwg, Not bad
Go lew, Not bad
Diolch (yn fawr), Thanks (very much)
Wedi blino, Tired
Diolch o galon (i chi), Thanks from the heart (to you)
Ofnadwy, Awful
Diolch am eich help, Thanks for your help
Wir?, Really?
One morning at Head Office, when the Chief Executive greets Mrs Roberts, the receptionist:
[table class=”table”]
Prif Weithredwr:, Bore da. Mrs Roberts. Sut dach chi?, Chief Executive:, Good morning. Mrs Roberts. How are you?
Mrs Roberts:, Ofnadwy! Wedi blino., Mrs Roberts:, Awful! Tired.
Prif Weithredwr:, Wir? Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, Chief Executive:, Really? How may I help you?
Mrs Roberts:, Be’ am baned o de?, Mrs Roberts:, What about a cup of tea?
Prif Weithredwr:, Syniad da!, Chief Executive:, Good idea!
It’s 6.00 pm and Siân turns up for her shift: The Hostel is busy!
Listen for the phrase “Mae’n brysur / It’s busy” “heno / tonight” – “Mae’n brysur heno / It’s busy tonight.”
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Siân:, Noswaith dda. Sut mae pawb?, Siân:, Good evening. How is everyone?
Meic:, Ardderchog Sian! A chi?, Meic:, Excellent Sian! And you?
Siân:, Ddim yn ddrwg., Siân:, Not bad.
Meic:, Mae’n brysur heno., Meic:, It’s busy tonight.
Siân:, O diar!, Siân:, Oh dear!
Numbers are dealt with on the first CD, Level 1. This is a brief reminder for you, together with some additional numbers to extend your knowledge.
[table class=”table”]
0, Dim
1, Un, 21, dau ddeg un
2, Dau, 22, dau ddeg dau
3, Tri, 23, dau ddeg tri
4, Pedwar
5, Pump
6, Chwech
7, Saith
8, Wyth
9, Naw
10, Deg
11, un deg un
12, un deg dau
13, un deg tri, 30, tri deg
14, un deg pedwar, 40, pedwar deg
15, un deg pump, 50, pump deg
16, un deg chwech, 60, chwe deg
17, un deg saith, 70, saith deg
18, un deg wyth, 80, wyth deg
19, un deg naw, 90, naw deg
20, dau ddeg, 100, cant
Dewch i gyfarfod Ieuan a Mair Morgan / Come to meet Ieuan and Mair Morgan.
[table class=”table”]
Helo. Mair Morgan dw i., Helo. I’m Mair Morgan.
Dw i’n byw yn Llanfair., I live in Llanfair.
Dw i’n dod o Fangor., I come from Bangor.
Dw i’n hoffi chwarae sboncen., I like to play squash.
Dw i ddim yn hoffi smwddio., I don’t like ironing.
Derbynnydd dw i., I’m a receptionist.
[table class=”table”]
Helo. Ieuan Morgan dw i., Helo. I’m Ieuan Morgan.
Dw i’n byw yn Llanfair., I live in Llanfair.
Dw i’n dod o Fae Colwyn., I come from Colwyn Bay.
Dw i’n hoffi chwarae rygbi., I like to play rugby.
Dw i ddim yn hoffi siopa., I don’t like shopping.
Swyddog Tai dw i., I’m a Housing Officer.
[table class=”table”]
Enw, Name
Enw llawn, Full name
Cyfeiriad, Address
Rhif ffôn, Telephone number
Gwaith, Work
Listen to these questions:
[table class=”table”]
What is your name?, Be’ dy ‘ch enw chi?
What is your full name?, Be’ dy ’ch enw llawn chi?
What is your address?, Be’ dy ‘ch cyfeiriad chi?
What is your phone number?, Be’ dy ‘ch rhif ffôn chi?
What is your work?, Be’ dy ‘ch gwaith chi?
Listen to a conversation in the Housing Office
[table class=”table”]
Iola:, Be’ dy ‘ch enw chi? What’s your name?, John:, John.
Iola:, Be’ dy ‘ch enw llawn chi? What’s your full name?, John:, Mae’n ddrwg gen i. John Jones. I’m sorry. John Jones.
Iola:, Be’ dy ‘ch cyfeiriad llawn chi. Mr. Jones? What’s your full address. Mr. Jones?, John:, 13 Erw Las. Llanfair.
Iola:, Be’ dy ‘ch côd-post chi? What is your postcode?, John:, LL12 3AB
Iola:, Be’ dy ‘ch rhif ffôn chi? What is your telephone number?, John:, 01928 37421
Further phrases/ questions which may be of use to you:
[table class=”table”]
Who are you?, Pwy dach chi?
Where do you live?, Lle dach chi’n byw?
Where do you come from?, O le dach chi’n dod?
What do you like doing?, Be’ dach chi’n hoffi wneud?
What don’t you like doing?, Be’ dach chi ddim yn hoffi wneud?
What are you doing?, Be’ dach chi’n wneud?
[table class=”table”]
C, Mair\, dach chi’n byw yn Llanfair?, Q, Mair\, do you live in Llanfair?
A, Ydw. dw i’n byw yn Llanfair., A, Yes (I do). I live in Llanfair.
C, Dach chi’n byw yn Stryd y Farchnad?, Q, Do you live in Market Street?
A, Nac ydw. dw i ddim yn byw yn Stryd y Farchnad., A, No (I don’t). I don’t live in Market Street.
C, Dach chi’n dod o Gaernarfon?, Q, Do you come from Caernarfon?
A, Nac ydw. dw i ddim yn dod o Gaernarfon. dw i’n dod o Fangor., A, No (I don’t). I don’t come from Caernarfon. I come from Bangor.
C, Dach chi’n hoffi chwarae tenis?, Q, Do you like playing tennis?
A, Ydw. dw i’n hoffi chwarae tenis. Dw i’n hoffi chwarae sboncen hefyd., A, Yes (I do). I like playing tennis. I like playing squash also.
C, Dach chi’n gweithio yn yr ysbyty?, Q, Do you work in the hospital?
A, Nac ydw. dw i ddim yn gweithio yn yr ysbyty. ond dw i’n gweithio yn Swyddfa Tai Gogledd Cymru., A, No (I don’t). I don’t work in the hospital. but I work in the North Wales Housing Office.
C, Dach chi’n briod. Mair?, Q, Are you married. Mair?
A, Ydw. dw i’n briod efo Ieuan., A, Yes (I am). I’m married to Ieuan.
Remember, YDW means Yes I am, and Yes I do.
NAC YDW means No I’m not and No I do not.
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Be amdanoch chi?, What about you?
Be dach chi’n hoffi?, What do you like?
[table class=”table”]
mynd i’r theatr, going to the theatre, gwylio ffilm, watching a film
mynd i’r sinema, going to the cinema, gwrando ar y radio, listening to the radio
mynd i’r dafarn, going to the pub, coginio, cooking
bwyta allan, eating out, siopa, shopping
gwylio’r teledu, watching television
[table class=”table”]
chwarae pêl-droed, playing football, chwarae hoci, playing hockey
chwarae rygbi, playing rugby, cadw’n heini, keeping fit
chwarae tenis, playing tennis, nofio, swimming
chwarae sboncen, playing squash, loncian, jogging
chwarae golff, playing golf, cerdded, walking
chwarae criced, playing cricket
[table class=”table”]
rhaglenni natur, nature programmes, operâu sebon, soap operas
rhaglenni plant, children’s programmes, dramâu, dramas
rhaglenni dogfen, documentaries, ffilmiau, films
rhaglenni comedi, comedies, newyddion, news
rhaglenni garddio, gardening programmes
In Welsh it is most usual to tag our statements about the weather.
For example – Mae’n braf heddiw – ‘n dydy? It’s fine today isn’t it?
To which we would reply
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Ydy wir!, Yes (it is) indeed
Consider these:
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It’s wet today. isn’t it, Mae’n wlyb heddiw. ‘n dydy
It’s windy today. isn’t it, Mae’n wyntog heddiw. ‘n dydy
It’s warm today. isn’t it, Mae’n gynnes heddiw. ‘n dydy
It’s fine today. isn’t it, Mae’n braf heddiw. ‘n dydy
It’s cold today. isn’t it, Mae’n oer heddiw. ‘n dydy
It’s hot today. isn’t it, Mae’n boeth heddiw. ‘n dydy
It’s cloudy, Mae’n gymylog
It’s raining, Mae’n bwrw glaw
It’s snowing, Mae’n bwrw eira
It’s foggy, Mae’n niwlog
It’s stormy, Mae’n stormus
It’s freezing, Mae’n rhewi
It’s dry this evening, Mae’n sych heno
It’s sunny today, Mae’n heulog heddiw
It’s pouring today, Mae’n pistyllio heddiw
It’s lovely today, Mae’n hyfryd heddiw
Come with us again / Dewch efo ni eto:
Un noson oer. Mae’n rhewi.
One cold evening. It’s freezing.
Listen out for these phrases:
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I’m in trouble, Dw i mewn helynt
Stay in to keep warm, Arhoswch i mewn i gadw’n gynnes
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Derbynnydd:, Helo! Dach chi’n iawn?, Receptionist:, Hello! Are you OK?
Mr Jones, Nac ydw wir. Dw i mewn helynt., Mr Jones, No (I’m not). I’m in trouble
Derbynnydd:, Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, Receptionist:, How may I help you?
Mr Jones, Mae’n rhewi. Dw i ddim yn medru cael dŵr allan o’r tapiau., Mr Jones, It’s freezing. I can’t get any water out of the taps.
Derbynnydd:, O diar! Dim problem arhoswch i mewn i gadw’n gynnes. Mi wna i ffonio’r Tîm Llafur. Mae’n noson ofnadwy., Receptionist:, Oh dear! No problem. stay in and keep warm. I’ll phone our Labour team. It’s an awful night.
Mr Jones, Diolch am eich help., Mr Jones, Thanks for your help.
We’re now going to start talking about other people. Let us look at Ieuan and Mair. Learn these phrases/questions, they will be very useful!
[table class=”table”]
Where does Mair live?, Lle mae Mair yn byw?
Where does she come from?, O le mae hi’n dod?
What does she like doing?, Be’ mae hi’n hoffi wneud?
Where does she work?, Lle mae hi’n gweithio?
When does she work?, Pryd mae hi’n gweithio?
With whom does she work?, Efo pwy mae hi’n gweithio?
How does she go to work?, Sut mae hi’n mynd i’r gwaith?
[table class=”table”]
Where does Ieuan live?, Lle mae Ieuan yn byw?
Where does he come from?, O le mae o’n dod?
What does he like doing?, Be’ mae o’n hoffi wneud?
Where does he work?, Lle mae o’n gweithio?
When does he work?, Pryd mae o’n gweithio?
With whom does he work?, Efo pwy mae o’n gweithio?
How does he go to work?, Sut mae o’n mynd i’r gwaith?
Ieuan and Mair have three children – Lowri, Gerallt and Llinos.
[table class=”table”]
Where do the children live?, Lle mae’r plant yn byw?
Where do they come from?, O le maen nhw’n dod?
What do they like doing?, Be’ maen nhw’n hoffi wneud?
Where do they go to school?, Lle maen nhw’n mynd i’r ysgol?
When do they come home from school?, Pryd maen nhw’n dod adre o’r ysgol?
With whom do they play?, Efo pwy maen nhw’n chwarae?
How do they go to school?, Sut maen nhw’n mynd i’r ysgol?
Let us now ask someone about the family:
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C, Ydy Ieuan yn byw yn Llanfair?, Q, Does Ieuan live in Llanfair?
A, Ydy. mae o’n byw yn Llanfair. yn yr Hen Efail, A, Yes (he does). he lives in Llanfair. in the Old Smithy.
C, Ydy Ieuan yn hoffi siopa?, Q, Does Ieuan like shopping?
A, Nac ydy. dydy o ddim yn hoffi siopa., A, No (he doesn’t). he doesn’t like shopping.
C, Ydy Mair yn hoffi chwarae sboncen?, Q, Does Mair like playing squash?
A, Ydy. mae Mair yn hoffi chwarae sboncen., A, Yes (she does). Mair likes playing squash.
C, Ydy Mair yn hoffi smwddio?, Q, Does Mair like ironing?
A, Nac ydy. dydy hi ddim yn hoffi smwddio., A, No (she doesn’t). she doesn’t like ironing.
C, Ydy Lowri yn hoffi mynd i’r sinema?, Q, Does Lowri like going to the cinema?
A, Ydy. mae Lowri yn hoffi mynd i’r sinema., A, Yes (she does). Lowri likes going to the cinema.
C, Ydy Gerallt yn hoffi bwyta moron?, Q, Does Gerallt like eating carrots?
A, Nac ydy. dydy o ddim yn hoffi bwyta moron., A, No (he doesn’t). he doesn’t like eating carrots.
C, Ydy Llinos yn chwech oed?, Q, Is Llinos six years old?
A, Ydy. mae Llinos yn chwech oed, A, Yes (she is). Llinos is six years old.
Remember, YDY means YES he /she is, and YES he /she does.
(Also YES it is, and YES it does)
NAC YDY means NO he /she is not and NO he /she does not.
(Also NO it isn’t and NO it doesn’t)
Mae Iola yn rhoi adroddiad am John/ Iola gives a report about John
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Dyma John Jones., This is John Jones.
Mae o’n byw yn 13. Erw Las. Llanfair. LL12 3AB., He lives at 13. Erw Las. Llanfair. LL12 3AB.
Peiriannydd ydy o., He’s an engineer.
Mae o’n gweithio yn y ffatri ar Ffordd y Gogledd., He works in the factory on North Road.
Mae Elen Hughes yn gofyn cwestiynau am John:
Elen Hughes asks questions about John:
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Elen Hughes, Ydy Mr.Jones yn byw gyda’r teulu yn 13. Erw Las?, Elen Hughes., Does Mr John Jones live with his family at 13 Erw Las?
Ieuan, Ydy., Ieuan, Yes (he does).
Elen Hughes, Ydy o’n gweithio yn y ffatri geir ar Ffordd y Gogledd?, Elen Hughes, Does he work at the car factory on North Road?
Ieuan, Nac ydy. dydy o ddim yn gweithio yn y ffatri geir. Mae o’n gweithio yn y ffatri ffenestri dwbl.,Ieuan, No (he doesn’t). he doesn’t work at the car factory. He works at the double glazing factory.
Elen Hughes, O! Ydy o’n gweithio ar ddydd Sadwrn fel arfer?, Elen Hughes, Oh! Does he work on Saturday usually?
Ieuan, Nac ydy. dw i ddim yn meddwl., Ieuan, No (he doesn’t). I don’t think so.
Elen Hughes, Ydy o’n gweithio yn y nos?, Elen Hughes, Does he work at night?
Ieuan, Ydy. mae o’n gweithio yn y nos weithiau., Ieuan, Yes (he does). he works at night sometimes.
Elen Hughes, Ydy o yn y ffatri rwan?, Elen Hughes, Is he in the factory now?
Ieuan, Nac ydy. mae o adre., Ieuan, No (he isn’t). he’s at home
Elen Hughes, Ydy o’n mynd i’r ffatri yfory?, Elen Hughes, Is he going to the factory tomorrow?
Ieuan, Ydy. mae o’n mynd i’r ffatri yn y bore am ddeg o’r gloch., Ieuan, Yes (he is). he’s going to the factory at 10 o’clock in the morning.
Let us now observe Mair at work at the Housing Office
Mae’r ffôn yn canu / The telephone rings.
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Mair, Bore da. Tai Gogledd Cymru. Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, Mair, Good morning. North Wales Housing. How may I help you?
Galwr, Bore da. Ga’ i siarad efo Tom Owen. os gwelwch yn dda?, Caller, Good morning. May I speak to Tom Owen please?
Mair, Mae’n ddrwg gen i. Mae Mr Owen yn brysur ar hyn o bryd., Mair, I’m sorry. Mr Owen is busy at present.
Galwr, Ydy o ar gael p’nawn ‘ma?, Caller, Is he available this afternoon?
Mair, …Ydy. mae o’n rhydd am ddau o’r gloch., Mair, … Yes (he is). he’s free at two o’clock.
Galwr, Diolch yn fawr. Hwyl., Caller, Thank you. Bye.
Mair, Hwyl., Mair, Bye.
[table class=”table”]
Mair, P’nawn da. Tai Gogledd Cymru. Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, Mair, Good afternoon. North Wales Housing. How may I help you?
Galwr, Pnawn da. Ga’ i siarad efo Mrs Nansi Rowlands. Swyddog Cyllid. os gwelwch yn dda?, Caller, Good afternoon. May I speak to Mrs Nansi Rowlands. the Finance Officer. please?
Mair, Wrth gwrs… Mae’n ddrwg gen i. ond dydy Mrs Rowlands ddim ar gael p’nawn ‘ma. Dach chi isio ffonio nôl?,Mair, Of course… I’m sorry. but Mrs Rowlands isn’t available this afternoon. Do you want to call back?
Galwr, Ydy hi ar gael bore yfory?, Caller, Is she available tomorrow morning?
Mair, Nac ydy. mae hi mewn cyfarfod. Be am y p’nawn?, Mair, No (she isn’t). she’s in a meeting. What about the afternoon?
Galwr, Ydy hi ar gael am dri o’r gloch?, Caller, Is she available at three o’clock?
Mair, Ydy., Mair, Yes (she is).
Galwr, Diolch yn fawr., Caller, Thank you very much.
Mair, Diolch., Mair, Thank you.
[table class=”table”]
‘Sgynnoch chi bres?, Have you got any money?
‘Sgynnoch chi feiro plîs?, Have you got a biro please?
‘Sgynnoch chi gar?, Have you got a car?
The answer to the question ‘Sgynnoch chi …..? is always ‘OES’ or ‘NAC OES’
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Nac oes. ‘sgynnon ni ddim pres!, No. we haven’t got any money!
Oes. mae gen i feiro, Yes. I have got a biro.
Nac oes. ‘sgen i ddim car, No. I haven’t got a car
[table class=”table”]
Dyma John Jones., This is John Jones.
Mae o’n byw yn 13 Erw Las. Llanfair., He lives at 13 Erw Las. Llanfair.
Peiriannydd ydy o., He’s an engineer.
Mae o’n gweithio yn y ffatri ar Ffordd y Gogledd., He works at the factory on North Road.
Mae gan Mr Jones feic modur., Mr Jones has a motor bike.
Sgynno fo ddim car., He doesn’t have a car.
An important point to remember is that “Ga’ i?” / “May I?” causes a soft mutation.
Nine letters are likely to change. Here they are:
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C,-, G
There are many reasons for the soft mutations, but do not worry unduly.
In Welsh speech, Welsh speakers often are careless with it. Speak quickly and confidently.
Listen to these examples:
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To go~~May I go?, Mynd~~Ga’ i fynd?
To finish~~May I finish?, Gorffen~~Ga’ i orffen?
To ask~~May I ask a question?, Gofyn~~Ga’i ofyn cwestiwn?
To see~~May I see?, Gweld~~Ga’i weld?
To speak~~May I speak with you?, Siarad~~Ga’i siarad efo chi?
To take~~May I take a message?, Cymryd~~Ga’i gymryd neges?
Now listen to a conversation, where you will hear the question “Ga’ i?” / “May I?” being used.
Mrs Evans has come to the Office to ask for a repair.
Listen to the conversation:
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Eleri, Bore da. Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, Eleri, Good morning. How may I help you?
Mrs Evans, Dw i angen rhywun i drwsio’r to os gwelwch yn dda., Mrs Evans, I need someone to mend the roof please.
Eleri, Iawn. Ga’ i’ch cyfeiriad chi os gwelwch yn dda?, Eleri, OK. May I have your address please?
Mrs Evans, Cewch. wrth gwrs. Dyma fo., Mrs Evans, Yes (you may) of course. Here it is.
Eleri, Ga’ i’ch côd post chi hefyd os gwelwch yn dda?, Eleri, May I have your post code too please?
Mrs Evans, Iawn., Mrs Evans, Fine.
Eleri, Ga’ i’ch rhif ffôn chi os gwelwch yn dda?, Eleri, May I have your phone number please?
Mrs Evans, Dyma fo., Mrs Evans, Here it is.
Eleri, Diolch yn fawr…… Mi wnawn ni eich ffonio chi i drefnu ymweliad., Eleri, Thank you…. We will phone you to arrange a visit.
Mrs Evans, Diolch yn fawr Eleri., Mrs Evans, Thank you very much Eleri.
Eleri, Croeso., Eleri, You’re welcome.
[table class=”table”]
Will you?, Wnewch chi?
“Wnewch chi” is a very useful, polite way of asking someone to do something. This pattern also causes a SOFT MUTATION, so
to come – dod
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Will you come in?
Wnewch chi ddod i mewn?
Wnewch chi ddod i mewn?
to give – rhoi
[table class=”table”]
Will you give me the details?
Wnewch chi roi’r manylion i mi?
Wnewch chi roi’r manylion i mi?
Some verbs of course won’t have to mutate. For example:
to move – symud
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Will you move the car?
Wnewch chi symud y car?
Wnewch chi symud y car?
to speak – siarad
[table class=”table”]
Will you speak with me?
Wnewch chi siarad efo fi?
Wnewch chi siarad efo fi?
YES and NO with this pattern varies, depending on whom we are talking about.
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Ms Jones, Diolch am ddod Ieuan. Wnewch chi ddod i mewn?, Ms Jones, Thank you for coming Ieuan. Will you come in?
Ieuan, Diolch., Ieuan, Thank you.
Ms Jones, Wnewch chi eistedd?, Ms Jones, Will you sit down?
Ieuan, Diolch., Ieuan, Thank you..
Ms Jones, Wnewch chi gymryd paned?, Ms Jones, Will you take a cup of tea?
Ieuan, Dim diolch. Wnewch chi ateb ‘chydig o gwestiynau i mi. os gwelwch yn dda? (FADE), Ieuan, No thanks. Will you answer some questions for me. please?(FADE)
Ieuan, Wnewch chi arwyddo yma?, Ieuan, Will you sign here please?
Ms Jones, Iawn., Ms Jones, Fine.
Ieuan, Wnewch chi ffonio os dach chi’n meddwl am rywun arall sydd isio symud?, Ieuan, Will you phone if you think of anyone else who wants to move?
Ms Jones, Wrth gwrs. Ieuan., Ms Jones, Of course. Ieuan.
Ieuan, Dyma’r rhif., Ieuan, Here’s the number?
Ms Jones, Diolch yn fawr., Ms Jones, Thank you.
All formal commands in Welsh end in – WCH. Let us take a look at a few:
[table class=”table”]
Sit!, Eisteddwch!
Come!, Dewch!
Go!, Ewch!
Excuse me!, Esgusodwch fi!
Turn!, Trowch!
Take!, Cymrwch!
Drive!, Gyrrwch!
Follow!, Dilynwch!
Stop!, Stopiwch!
Wait/Stay!, Arhoswch!
Behave!, Byhafiwch!
Don’t!, Peidiwch!
Let us look at some useful vocabulary when directing someone:
[table class=”table”]
down the road, i lawr y ffordd
the first turning, y troad cyntaf
the second turning, yr ail droad
next door to, drws nesaf i
in front of you, o’ch blaen
to the right, i’r dde
to the left, i’r chwith
on the right, ar y dde
on the left, ar y chwith
Consider this question:
Where is the bank? – Lle mae’r banc?
Possible answers
[table class=”table”]
The bank is next door to the school, Mae’r banc drws nesa i’r ysgol
The bank is down the road, Mae’r banc i lawr y ffordd
The bank is in front of you, Mae’r banc o’ch blaen
Yn y dref…..
[table class=”table”]
Rhiannon, Esgusodwch fi. Lle mae’r pwll nofio. os gwelwch yn dda?, Rhiannon, Excuse me. Where’s the swimming pool please?
Tom, Ewch i lawr y ffordd. Trowch i’r dde. Mae’r pwll nofio o’ch blaen., Tom, Go down the road. Turn right. The swimming pool is in front of you.
Rhiannon, Diolch am eich help, Rhiannon, Thanks for your help.
Bethan, Dach chi’n gwybod lle mae’r banc. os gwelwch yn dda?, Rhiannon, Do you know where the bank is. please?
Emyr, Cymrwch y troad cyntaf ar y chwith. ac mae’r banc drws nesaf i’r gwesty., Tom, Take the first turning on the left and the bank is next door to the hotel.
Bethan, Diolch i chi., Rhiannon, Thank you.
[table class=”table”]
Cofiwch! Remember!
RHAID causes a soft mutation.
Let’s listen to the last two conversations again this time using RHAID I CHI:
[table class=”table”]
Rhiannon, Esgusodwch fi. Lle mae’r pwll nofio. os gwelwch yn dda?, Rhiannon, Excuse me. Where is the swimming pool. please?
Tom, Rhaid i chi fynd i lawr y ffordd. Rhaid i chi droi i’r dde. Mae’r pwll nofio o’ch blaen., Tom, You must go down the road. You must turn right. The swimming pool is in front of you.
Rhiannon, Diolch am eich help., Rhiannon, Thanks for your help.
Bethan, Esgusodwch fi. Lle mae’r pwll nofio. os gwelwch yn dda?, Bethan, Do you know where the bank is. please?
Emyr, Rhaid i chi fynd i lawr y ffordd. Rhaid i chi droi i’r dde. Mae’r pwll nofio o’ch blaen., Emyr, You must take the first turning on the left. and the bank is next door to the hotel.
Bethan, Diolch am eich help.,Bethan, Thank you.
Let us now look at some more typical situations:
In the Office / Yn y Swyddfa
[table class=”table”]
Huw:, Dw i isio siarad efo rhywun rwan!, Huw:, I want to speak to someone now!
Derbynnydd:, Mae’n ddrwg gen i. Rhaid i chi aros eich tro., Receptionist:, I’m sorry. You must wait your turn.
Mrs. Huws:, Dw i isio tŷ newydd., Mrs Huws:, I want a new house.
Derbynnydd:, Rhaid i chi lenwi’r ffurflen yma., Receptionist:, You must fill in this form.
In order to recognise that there are two official languages in Wales and in accordance with service policy, all external calls should be answered bilingually. Here are some useful phrases:
[table class=”table”]
North Wales Housing, Tai Gogledd Cymru
Mair speaking, Mair yn siarad
One minute please, Un munud os gwelwch yn dda
Hold the line, Daliwch y lein
You’re through to.., Dach chi drwodd i…
I will transfer you now, Mi wna i eich trosglwyddo chi rwan
Do you want to leave a message?, Dach chi isio gadael neges?
You are welcome to leave a message, Mae croeso i chi adael neges
Can I take a message?, Ga’ i gymryd neges?
How can I help you?, Sut ga’ i ‘ch helpu chi?
I’m sorry, Mae’n ddrwg gen i
I’m learning Welsh, Dw i’n dysgu Cymraeg
I can speak Welsh a little bit, Dw i’n medru siarad Cymraeg tipyn bach
Again please, Eto os gwelwch yn dda
Would you like to speak to a Welsh speaker?, Fasech chi’n hoffi siarad efo siaradwr Cymraeg?
Yes I would please, Baswn os gwelwch yn dda
No I wouldn’t it’s fine, Na faswn mae’n iawn
May I have extension….., Ga’ i estyniad……..
May I speak to ……., Ga’ i siarad efo ……
Thank you, Diolch yn fawr
Thanks for phoning, Diolch am ffonio
Cheerio now, Hwyl rwan
Listen to the next telephone conversations:
[table class=”table”]
A, Bore da. Tai Gogledd Cymru. Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, A, Good morning. North Wales Housing. How may I help you?
B, Bore da. Ga’ i siarad efo Huw Jones os gwelwch yn dda?, B, Good morning. May I speak to Huw Jones please?
A, Wrth gwrs. Un munud… dyma fo., A, Of course. One minute… here he is.
B, Diolch yn fawr., B, Thank you.
[table class=”table”]
A, Bore da. Tai Gogledd Cymru. Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, A, Good morning. North Wales Housing. How may I help you?
B, Bore da. Ga’ i siarad efo Huw Jones os gwelwch yn dda?, B, Good morning. May I speak to Huw Jones please?
A, Iawn. Dach chi drwodd., A, Fine. You’re through.
B, Diolch yn fawr., B, Thank you.
[table class=”table”]
A, Bore da. Tai Gogledd Cymru. Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, A, Good morning. North Wales Housing. How may I help you?
B, Bore da. Ga’ i estyniad 4810 os gwelwch yn dda?, B, Good morning. May I have extension 4810 please?
A, Wrth gwrs. Daliwch y lein os gwelwch yn dda., A, Of course. Hold the line please.
B, Diolch yn fawr., B, Thank you.
[table class=”table”]
A, Bore da Tai Gogledd Cymru. Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, A, Good morning. North Wales Housing. How may I help you?
B, Bore da. Ga’ i siarad efo’r Prif Weithredwr os gwelwch yn dda?, B, Good morning. May I speak to the Chief Executive please?
A, Mae’n ddrwg gen i. Dydy o ddim i mewn heddiw. Ga i gymryd neges?, A, I’m sorry. He’s not in today. Can I take a message?
B, Dim diolch mae’n iawn., B, No thanks it’s OK.
[table class=”table”]
A, Bore da. Tai Gogledd Cymru. Sut ga’ i’ch helpu chi?, A, Good morning. North Wales Housing. How may I help you?
B, Bore da. Ga’ i siarad efo Huw Jones os gwelwch yn dda?, B, Good morning. May I speak to Huw Jones please?
A, Mae’n ddrwg gen i dydy o ddim yn y swyddfa ar hyn o bryd., A, I’m sorry he’s not in the office at the moment.
B, O diolch yn fawr., B, Oh thank you.
In order to demonstrate linguistic courtesy and to facilitate language choice it is Service policy to open and close public meetings bilingually
Here are some useful phrases for you..
Agor cyfarfod / Opening a meeting
[table class=”table”]
Welcome to the meeting., Croeso i’r cyfarfod
Welcome to North Wales Housing, Croeso i “Tai Gogledd Cymru”
Thank you for coming., Diolch i chi am ddod.
Good morning and welcome., Bore da a chroeso.
A warm welcome to…, Croeso cynnes i…
May I introduce … to you., Ga’ i gyflwyno… i chi.
Mr …. is going to talk about…, Mae Mr … yn mynd i siarad am…
Cau cyfarfod / Closing a meeting
[table class=”table”]
Thank you for showing us your support this morning., Diolch am ddangos eich cefnogaeth i ni’r bore yma.
Thank you for taking part in the meeting today., Diolch i chi am gymryd rhan yn y cyfarfod heddiw.
Dewch i’r cyfarfodydd!/ Come to the meetings!
[table class=”table”]
Bore da. Croeso i’r cyfarfod. Diolch i chi am ddod. FADE Diolch am ddangos eich cefnogaeth i ni heddiw., Good morning. Welcome to the meeting. Thank you for coming. FADE Thank you for showing us your support today.
Noswaith dda a chroeso. Croeso arbennig i Mr Evans. Mae Mr Evans yn mynd i siarad am…. FADE. Diolch yn fawr iawn Mr Evans., Good evening and welcome. A special welcome to Mr Evans. Mr Evans is going to talk about…… FADE. Thank you very much Mr Evans.
Prynhawn da a chroeso. Diolch i chi am ddod i’r cyfarfod heddiw. FADE. Diolch i chi am gymryd rhan yn y cyfarfod heddiw., Good afternoon and welcome. Thank you for coming to the meeting today. FADE. Thank you for taking part in the meeting today.
Noswaith dda a chroeso. Ga’ i gyflwyno’r Cadeirydd … i chi. Mae’r Cadeirydd … yn mynd i siarad am… FADE, Good evening and welcome. May I introduce the Chairman… to you. The Chairman … is going to talk about…. FADE.