Adnoddau Iaith Gymraeg Lefel 3
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Cyfarch ffurfiol, Formal Greeting
In formal situations, we use the chi form of you to address someone.
Gwrandewch am – chi., Listen for chi
Bore da. Sut dach chi? Dwi’n dda iawn. Diolch am ofyn., Da iawn. diolch. A chi?
Good morning. How are you? I’m very well. Thank you for asking., Very well thank you. And yourself?
Prynhawn da. Ydy wir. Mae hi’n fendigedig heddiw., Prynhawn da . Dydy hi’n braf?
Good afternoon. Yes indeed. It’s beautiful today., Good afternoon. Isn’t it lovely?
Noswaith dda. Sut mae pawb heno? Mae’n bleser bod yma., Ddim yn ddrwg. Dan ni’n falch o’ch gweld chi.
Good evening. How is everyone this evening? It’s a pleasure to be here., Not bad. We’re pleased to see you.
Cyfarch anffurfiol. Gwrandewch am – ti., Informal Greeting. Listen for ti (not chi this time)
Sut mae? Dwi’n eitha da diolch., Da iawn diolch. A ti?
How are things? I’m not too bad thanks., Very good. thanks. And yourself?
Sut wyt ti heddiw? Dwi’n llawer gwell diolch. Mae’r peswch bron â mynd., Ddim yn ddrwg diolch. Sut mae pethau efo ti?
How are you today? I’m much better thanks. The cough’s almost gone., Not too bad. thanks. How are things with you?
Sut oedd y penwythnos? Am lwcus! Beth wnest ti weld?, Ardderchog diolch. Mi wnes i fynd i Baris. Mi wnes i weld y ddinas i gyd o ben Tŵr Eiffel ac yn y Louvre mi wnes i weld y Mona Lisa.
How was the weekend? How lucky! What did you see?, Excellent thanks. I went to Paris! I saw all of the city from the top of the Eiffel Tower and in the Louvre I saw the Mona Lisa.
Ymarfer cyfarch., Practise greeting.
Say good morning and ask your manager how he/she is and if he/she had a pleasant weekend? Bore da. Sut dach chi a sut oedd y penwythnos Now answer – not bad thank you. I went out for a meal with the family. Ddim yn ddrwg diolch. Mi wnes i fynd allan am bryd o fwyd efo’r teulu.[attr colspan=”2″]
Say Hi! to your friend and comment on how fine the weather is. Sut mae? Mae’n braf heddiw’n dydy? Now agree that it’s beautiful today. Ydy wir. Mae hi’n fendigedig heddiw.[attr colspan=”2″]
Say Good evening to everyone in a meeting you are chairing. Noswaith dda i chi. Now say that you’re glad to see everyone tonight. Dwi’n falch i weld pawb yma heno[attr colspan=”2″]
As a member of North Wales Housing, Tai Gogledd Cymru – you will come across many bilingual terms daily. Let’s re-cap on a few of these and add a few new ones that are used in the community:
You will hear the English terms first so you can test yourself.
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North Wales Housing, Tai Gogledd Cymru
Fire Station, Gorsaf Dân
Police Station, Gorsaf Heddlu
Reception, Derbynfa
Meeting, Cyfarfod
Town Hall, Neuadd y Dref
Village Hall, Neuadd y Pentref
Leisure Centre, Canolfan Hamdden
Post Office, Swyddfa’r Post
Museum, Amgueddfa
Station, Gorsaf
Castle, Castell
Hospital, Ysbyty
Church, Eglwys
Chapel, Capel
Infants School, Ysgol Fabanod
Primary School, Ysgol Gynradd
Junior School, Ysgol Iau
Secondary School, Ysgol Uwchradd
College, Coleg
Car Park, Maes Parcio
Entrance, Mynedfa
Swimming pool, Pwll Nofio
Library, Llyfrgell
Toilets, Toiledau
Centre, Canolfan
Room, Ystafell
These terms are some of those which you will come across from day-to-day at your work place.
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Housing Service, Gwasanaeth Tai
Asset Management Service, Gwasanaeth Rheoli Asedau
Supported Housing Service, Gwasanaeth Tai â Chymorth
Resources, Gwasanaeth Adnoddau
Personnel Services, Gwasanaeth Personel
ICT Services, Gwasanaeth TGC
Business Development Services, Gwasanaeth Datblygu Busnes
Business Improvement, Gwasanaeth Gwella Busnes
Operations, Gweithredoedd
Director, Cyfarwyddwr
Head of Service, Pennaeth Gwasanaeth
Manager, Rheolwr
Team Leader, Arweinydd Tîm
Labour Team, Tîm Llafur
Senior Officer, Uwch Swyddog
Officer, Swyddog
Assistant Officer, Cynorthwy-ydd
Administrator, Gweinydd-ydd
Personal Assistant, Cynorthwy-ydd Personol
Management Accountant, Cyfrifydd Rheolaeth
Contracts Officer, Swyddog Cytundebau
Compliance Officer, Swyddog Cydsyniad
Asset Management Surveyor, Syrfewr Rheoli Asedau
Hostel Co-ordinator, Cydlynydd Hostel
Night Warden, Warden Nos
Finance, Cyllid
Health and Safety, Iechyd a Diogelwch
Project, Prosiect
Caretaker, Gofalwr
Rent, Rhent
Dewch i gyfarfod Ieuan a Mair Morgan
Come to meet Ieuan and Mair Morgan.
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Helo\, Mair Morgan dw i., Helo I’m Mair Morgan.
Dw i’n byw yn Llanfair., I live in Llanfair.
Dw i’n dod o Fangor., I come from Bangor.
Dw i’n hoffi chwarae sboncen., I like to play squash.
Dw i ddim yn hoffi smwddio., I don’t like ironing.
Dw i’n gweithio yn Llanelwy., I work in St. Asaph.
Derbynnydd dw i., I’m a receptionist.
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Helo Ieuan Morgan dw i., Helo I’m Ieuan Morgan.
Dw i’n byw yn Llanfair., I live in Llanfair.
Dw i’n dod o Fae Colwyn., I come from Colwyn Bay.
Dw i’n hoffi chwarae rygbi., I like to play rugby.
Dw i ddim yn hoffi siopa., I don’t like shopping.
Dw i’n gweithio yn Llandudno., I work in Llandudno.
Swyddog Tai dw i., I’m a Housing Officer.
It’s 6.00 pm and Siân turns up for her shift: The Hostel is busy!
Listen for the phrase “Mae’n brysurheno /– It’s busy tonight.”
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Siân: Noswaith dda., Siân: Good evening
Sut mae pawb?, How is everyone?
Meic: Ardderchog Sian!, Meic: Excellent Sian!
A chi?, And you?
Siân: Ddim yn ddrwg., Siân: Not bad.
Meic: Mae’n brysur heno., Meic: It’s busy tonight.
Siân: O diar!, Siân: Oh dear!
Gwrandewch ar Ifan, Ceri a Helen yn cyflwyno’u hunain i dderbynydd y Swyddfa Cymdeithas Tai.
Listen to Ifan, Ceri and Helen introducing themselves to the Housing Association Receptionist.
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Ga’i’ch helpu chi? Bore da. Ifan Owen dwi ac mae gen i gyfweliad am hanner awr wedi naw. Eisteddwch ar y gadair am funud os gwelwch yn dda Ifan. Diolch.
May I help you? Good morning. I’m Ifan Owen and I have an interview at half past nine. Sit on the chair for a minute. please Ifan. Thank you.
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Bore da. Pwy dach chi? O helo. Ceri Huws dwi. Dwi yma i weld Mr. Dewi Jones. Sgynnoch chi apwyntiad? Oes. Mae gen i apwyntiad am chwarter wedi unarddeg. Iawn. Arhoswch yma os gwelwch yn dda. Fydd Mr. Jones ddim yn hir.
Who are you? Oh hello. I’m Ceri Huws. I’m here to see Mr. Dewi Jones. Have you got an appointment? Yes. I’ve got an appointment at a quarter past eleven. Fine. Wait here please. Mr. Jones won’t be long.
Prynhawn da.Mae gen i apwyntiad am ddau o’r gloch
Helen Dafydd ‘di f’enw i a dwi’n byw yn Min y Nant, Prestatyn.
Nac ydw diolch. Dwi ddim yn hoffi te. Mae’n well gen i goffi.
Dim diolch. Dim ond llefrith. Iawn. Fydda i ddim yn hir. |
Good afternoon. I’ve got an appointment at two o’clock
What’s your name, and where do you live, please? Helen Dafydd is my name and I live in Min y Nant, Prestatyn. Do you want a cup of tea whilst you’re waiting? No, thank you. I don’t like tea. I prefer coffee. Do you take sugar? No thanks. Just milk. Ok. I won’t be long. |
Gwrandewch ar y cwestiynau a’r atebion. Listen to the questions and the answers.
Gwrandewch am / Listen for – ychydig o fanylion – a few details a llawer rhy fach – much too small.
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Ceri: Helo. Sut dach chi heddiw?, Ceri: Hello. How are you today?
Derbynydd: Dwi’n ardderchog diolch. A chi?, Receptionist: I’m very well indeed thank you. And yourself?
Go lew diolch. Dwi wedi blino., Not bad. I’m tired.
O\, bechod. Ga i’ch helpu chi?, What a shame. May I help you?
Ceri Huws dwi a dwi eisiau rhywle arall i fyw., I’m Ceri Huws and I want somewhere else to live.
Iawn. Mi wna i drio helpu. Ga i ychydig o fanylion os gwelwch yn dda? Be’ di’ch cyfeiriad presennol chi Ceri?, Ok. I will try to help. May I have a few details please? What’s your present address Ceri?
Dwi’n byw yn Ger yr Afon\, Rhuddlan ar hyn o bryd., I live in Ger yr Afon\, Rhuddlan at the moment.
Be’dy rhif y tŷ?, What’s the house number?
O\, mae’n ddrwg gen i\, rhif 6 ydy o., Oh\, sorry\, it’s number 6.
Be’dy ’r cod-post?, What’s the post-code?
LL18 4EF, LL18 4EF
Sgynnoch chi ffôn?, Have you got a phone?
Oes. Ffôn symudol., Yes. A mobile phone.
Be’dy ’r rhif os gwelwch yn dda?, What’s the number please?
07787563526, 07787563526
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Ers pryd dach chi’n byw yna?, Since when have you lived there?
Dim ond ers mis ond mae o’n rhy fach., Only a month but it’s too small.
Sgynnoch chi blant\, Ceri?, Have you got children\, Ceri?
Oes. Mae gen i bedwar\, dau fab a dwy ferch., Yes. I’ve got four – two sons and two daughters
Sgynnoch chi anifeiliaid anwes?, Have you got pets?
Oes. Mae gen i ddau gi ac un gath., Yes. I’ve got two dogs and one cat.
Sgynnoch chi dair ystafell wely yn y tŷ?, Have you got three bedrooms in the house?
Nac oes. Dim ond dwy ystafell wely. Mae’r tŷ’n llawer rhy fach i ni i gyd!, No. Only two bedrooms. The house is much too small for us all!
Dach chi eisiau tŷ tair llofft\, felly?, So you want a three bedroomed house?
Ydw\, ond mae’n well gen i dŷ efo pedair ystafell wely a chegin fawr., Yes\, I do\, but I’d prefer a house with four bedrooms and a large kitchen
Peidiwch â phoeni. Mi wna i fy ngorau i helpu., Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to help.
Diolch o galon., Thank you so much.
Weather and Time are both feminine in Welsh, so we must say – Mae hi’n braf /literally – she is fine or Mae hi’n dri o’r gloch – literally– she’s three o’clock.
Gwrandewch ar sgwrs rhwng Sion a Catrin: Maen nhw’n ffrindiau ac maen nhw’n defnyddio ti
Sion and Catrin are friends and they are using the familiar ti form of you.
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Sion: Lle wyt ti’n mynd Catrin?, Sion: Where are you going\, Catrin?
Catrin: Dwi’n mynd i ddal y bws. Sgen ti amser am baned?, Catrin: I’m going to catch the bus. Have you got time for a cuppa?
Nac oes wir. Dwi’n hwyr. Mae’r bws yn gadael am bump o’r gloch a rhaid i mi redeg., No\, indeed. I’m late. The bus leaves at five o’clock and I must run.
Ond mae hi’n bum munud i bump rwan!, But it’s five to five now!
Dwi’n gwybod! Ac mae hi’n bwrw glaw., I know! And it’s raining!
Ydy hi? Roedd hi’n heulog chwarter awr yn ôl pan wnes i fynd i gael ffeiliau o’r car., Is it? It was sunny a quarter of an hour ago when I went to fetch files from the car.
Wel\, mae hi’n pistyllio rwan Sion a sgen i ddim ambarel., Well\, it’s throwing it down now Sion and I haven’t got a brolly.
Paid â phoeni. Mi wna i fynd â ti yn y car., Don’t worry. I’ll take you in the car.
Diolch Sion – fy arwr!, Thanks Sion. My hero!
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Ymarfer y tywydd a’r amser. Eich tro chi rwan., Practising the weather and time. Now it’s your turn.
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Say that it’s windy today., Mae hi’n wyntog heddiw.
Say that it’s a quarter to ten., Mae hi’n chwarter i ddeg.
Say that it’s very cloudy., Mae hi’n gymylog iawn.
Say that it’s snowing and it’s freezing., Mae hi’n bwrw eira ac mae hi’n rhewi.
Ask what time the meeting is?, Pryd mae’r cyfarfod?
Ask how the weather is this evening?, Sut mae’r tywydd heno?
Gwrandewch ar y sgwrs rhwng y Derbynydd a’r Swyddog Tai. Maen nhw’n trafod Ceri Huws.
Listen to the chat between the Receptionist and the Housing Office. They are discussing Ceri Huws.
Gwrandewch am Ydy hi? (Does she? / is she?)
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Delyth: Dach chi’n brysur? Mae’n ddrwg gen i dorri ar draws., Delyth: Are you busy? I apologise for interrupting.
Gwyn: Nac ydw. Dewch i mewn\, Delyth. Sut ga’i’ch helpu chi?, Gwyn: No. Come in\, Delyth. How may I help you?
Wel\, dwi newydd siarad efo rhywun sydd eisiau tŷ newydd., Well\, I’ve just been speaking with someone who wants a new house.
Pwy?, Who?
Ceri Huws., Ceri Huws.
Lle mae hi’n byw rwan?, Where is she living now?
Mae hi’n byw yn Rhuddlan., She lives in Rhuddlan.
Ydy hi’n byw ym Maes y Coed?, Does she live in Maes y Coed?
Nac ydy. Mae’r tŷ yn Ger yr Afon., No she doesn’t The house is in Ger yr Afon.
Ydy hi’n byw yn rhif 9?, Does she live in number 9?
Nac ydy. Mae hi’n byw yn rhif 6., No she doesn’t. She lives in number 6.
Tŷ bychan iawn ydy o., That’s a very small house.
Ie. Dwi’n gwybod., Yes I know.
Sgynni hi deulu?, Does she have a family?
Oes. Mae gynni hi ddau fab\, dwy ferch\, dau gi a chath., Yes. She’s got two sons\, two daughters\, two dogs and a cat.
Bobol bach! Does dim digon o le yn rhif 6 Ger yr Afon i deulu mor fawr. Mi fydd rhaid i ni eu symud nhw., Good gracious! There’s not enough room in number 6 Ger yr Afon for such a large family. We will have to move them.
O\, gyda llaw. Mae Ceri eisiau tŷ efo pedair ystafell wely a chegin anferth!, Oh\, By the way\, Ceri wants a four bedroomed house with a huge kitchen!
Ydy hi wir? Mi gawn ni weld am hynny., Does she\, indeed? We’ll see about that.
Cofiwch! Mae Treiglad Meddal yn dod yn syth ar ôl y cwestiwn Sgynnoch chi?
Remember! A Soft Mutation follows immediately after the question Sgynnoch chi?
e.g. Have you got a car? is not Sgynnoch chi car? but Sgynnoch chi gar?
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Rwan\, eich tro chi!, Now\, your turn. Try these!
Have you got a house?, Sgynnoch chi dŷ?
Have you got work?, Sgynnoch chi waith?
Have you got an address?, Sgynnoch chi gyfeiriad?
Have you got a post-code?, Sgynnoch chi gôd post?
Have you got experience?, Sgynnoch chi brofiad?
You may not always hear Oes gynnoch chi? – people often just say Sgynnoch chi?. However it’s important to know the word in full as it will help you to remember the correct Yes/No which are Oes for Yes I have and Nacoes for No I haven’t.
Gofynnwch ac atebwch y cwestiynau yma’n Gymraeg
Ask and answer the following questions in Welsh:
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Ask: have you got a family?, Sgynnoch chi deulu?
Answer: Yes I have, Oes.
Ask : have you got a phone number?, Sgynnoch chi rif ffôn?
Answer: No. I haven’t, Nac oes
Ask: have you got a computer?, Sgynnoch chi gyfrifiadur?
Answer: Yes I have, Oes.
Ask: Have you got a driving licence?, Sgynnoch chi drwydded yrru?
Answer: No I haven’t\, unfortunately, Nac oes\, yn anffodus.
Ask: have you got children?, Sgynnoch chi blant?
Answer: Yes. I’ve got two sons., Oes. Mae gen i ddau fab.
Note that in Welsh when we put a number before a noun, the noun remains singular.
So we don’t say two children or three dogs, we say two child and three dog.
Gwrandewch ar Ceri yn sôn am ei theulu.
Listen to Ceri talking about her family. Listen for dau / tri and the singular noun.
Ceri has three children – two sons and a daughter.
If the noun is feminine – like merch (daughter) or cath (cat), we must use these feminine numbers
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dau in front of masculine words e.g. dau gi, two dogs
dwy in front of feminine words e.g. dwy ddynes, two women
tri in front of masculine words e.g. tri mab, three sons
tair in front of feminine words e.g. tair cadair, three chairs
pedwar in front of masculine words e.g. pedwar car, four cars
pedair in front of feminine words e.g. pedair swyddfa, four offices
Cofiwch! Mae Treiglad Meddal yn dod yn syth ar ôl Mae gen i ?
Remember! A Soft Mutation follows immediately after Mae gen i…?
Gwrandewch ar Ifan yn sôn am ei deulu.
Listen to Ifan talking about his family.
He has three daughters and two cats. He also has two cars.
Helo. Ifan dwi. Mae gen i dair merch a dwy gath. Hefyd, mae gen i ddau gar.
Eich tro chi i ymarfer Mae gen i…
Your turn to practise Mae gen i – I’ve got…
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Say that you’ve got one daughter, Mae gen i un ferch.
Say that you’ve got two boys, Mae gen i ddau fachgen
Say that you’ve got two sisters, Mae gen i ddwy chwaer
Say that you’ve got four cats, Mae gen i bedair cath.
We can add o’r enw ( called or named) to these sentences if we want to say what someone or something is called!
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Mae gen i un ferch o’r enw Gwen., I have one daughter called Gwen
Mae gen i ddau fab o’r enw Carwyn a Geraint, I have two sons called Carwyn and Geraint.
Eich tro chi …a chofiwch am y Treiglad Meddal
Your turn and remember the Soft Mutation after Mae gen i…
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Say that you’ve got three sisters called Sioned\, Anwen and Catrin., Mae gen i dair chwaer o’r enw Sioned\, Anwen a Catrin.
Say that you’ve got two dogs called Pero and Spot., Mae gen i ddau gi o’r enw Pero a Spot.
Say that you’ve got a friend called Jo., Mae gen i ffrind o’r enw Jo.
Say that you’ve got four brothers called Ben\, Wil\, Cai and Tom., Mae gen i bedwar brawd o’r enw Ben\, Wil\, Cai a Tom.
Gwrandewch yn ofalus am: Listen carefully for:
Ga’i’ch helpu chi? (May I help you?) and the Yes answer : Cewch
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Derbynnydd:, Noswaith dda. Cymdeithas Dai. Delyth yn siarad. Ga’i’ch helpu chi?, Receptionist:, Good evening. Housing Association. May I help you?
Galwr:, Cewch, Caller:, Yes (you may)
Derbynnydd:, Sgynnoch chi broblem efo’r tŷ?, Receptionist:, Have you got a problem with the house?
Galwr, Oes\, wir. Mae’r gwynt yn codi llechi o’r to ac mae glaw yn dod i mewn., Caller:, Yes (I have)\, certainly have. The wind is lifting slates off the roof and the rain is coming in
Derbynnydd:, .O diar. Arhoswch mewn ystafell arall i gadw’n sych ac mi wna i anfon swyddog allan i’ch helpu chi., Receptionist:, Oh\, dear. Stay in another room to keep dry and I will send an officer over to help you..
Galwr:, Diolch yn fawr i chi., Caller:, Thank you very much
Derbynnydd:, Croeso, Receptionist:, You’re welcome.
Answer these questions with the correct Yes/No to practise them
The answers will be :
Ydw / Nac ydw (Yes I do / No I don’t)
Ydy / Nac ydy (Yes he/she does or Yes he /she is or No he/she doesn’t or No, he/she isn’t)
Listen for the first word in each question.
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For example:
Dach chi’n byw yn Llanelwy? The answer will be: Ydw / Nac ydw.
Ydy Rhuddlan ger Rhyl? Ydy
Dach chi’n gweithio mewn swyddfa? Ydw / Nac ydw
Ydy Daniel Craig yn actio James Bond? Ydy
Ydy crys pêl-droed tim Man.U yn las? Nac ydy
Dach chi’n brysur yn y gwaith? Ydw/ Nac ydw
Ydy hi’n braf heddiw? Ydy /Nac ydy
Ydy Caerdydd yn bell o Lanelwy? Ydy
Ydy hi’n oer yn y Gaeaf fel arfer? Ydy
Dach chi’n gwrando ar y CD yma yn y car? Ydw / Nac ydw
Dach chi’n mwynhau dysgu Cymraeg? Ydw / Nac ydw
This is the Imperfect Tense. It translates into English as was or were or used to.
Gwrandewch ar y brawddegau yma: Listen to these sentences
e.g. Ro’n i’n byw yn Wrecsam pan ro’n i’n fach.
I used to live in Wrexham when I was small.
Roedd hi’n heulog ddoe.
It was sunny yesterday.
Roedd Catrin yn hwyr i’r gwaith heddiw.
Catrin was late for work today.
To ask a question, just drop the R at the beginning of the word Roedd and add a question mark at the end of the sentence. Listen to the statement sentence:
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Roedd Gareth yn hwyr i’r gwaith ddoe, Gareth was late for work yesterday
Now the question[attr colspan=”2″]
Oedd Gareth yn hwyr i’r gwaith ddoe?, Was Gareth late for work yesterday?
And the Yes/No answer – Oedd/ Nacoedd.[attr colspan=”2″]
Eich tro chi i ymarfer Your turn to practise.[attr colspan=”2″]
Say that it was raining last night., Roedd hi’n bwrw glaw neithiwr.
Say that you were in the cinema yesterday., Ro’n i’n y sinema ddoe.
Ask if he was working this morning?, Oedd o’n gweithio y bore ‘ma?
Answer: No he wasn’t, Nacoedd
Say that Catrin used to be in school with you, Roedd Catrin yn yr ysgol efo fi.
Say that the meeting yesterday was long., Roedd y cyfarfod ddoe yn hir.
Say that he was wearing a black coat., Roedd o’n gwisgo côt ddu.
Say that Mair’s hair was pretty today. Roedd gwallt Mair yn ddel heddiw.[attr colspan=”2″]
Ask if Dan used to live in Rhyl?, Oedd Dan yn byw yn y Rhyl?
Answer: Yes he used to, Oedd
Gwrandewch ar sgwrs yng nghegin y swyddfa un bore. Listen to this chat in the office kitchen one morning.[attr colspan=”2″]
Anwen: Helo. Sut dach chi?, Anwen: Hello. How are you?
Bethan: Bore da. Dwi’n dda iawn diolch ond dwi dipyn yn nerfus. Dwi’n dechrau gweithio yma heddiw., Bethan: Good Morning. I’m very well thanks but I’m a bit nervous. I start working here today.
Peidiwch â phoeni. Mae pawb yma’n glên iawn. Lle oeddech chi’n gweithio cyn dod yma?, Don’t worry. Everybody here’s very kind. Where were you working before coming here?
Ro’n i’n gweithio yn swyddfa Caernarfon ac ro’n i’n byw yn y dref hefyd., I used to work in the Caernarfon office and I used to live in the town as well.
Dach chi’n dod o Gaernarfon yn wreiddiol?, Do you come from Caernarfon originally?
Nac ydw. Ro’n i’n byw ym Mangor pan ro’n i’n yr ysgol a cyn hynny ro’n i’n byw yn Llangefni., No I don’t. I used to live in Bangor when I was in school and before that I used to live in Llangefni.
Lle dach chi’n byw rwan?, Where do you live now?
Dwi a’r teulu’n symud i Gonwy Ddydd Sadwrn., The family and I are moving to Conwy on Saturday.
Dwi’n byw ger Conwy felly ella mi fyddwn ni’n gallu rhannu car weithiau., I live near Conwy so perhaps we will be able to share a car to work sometimes.
Gobeithio wir. Diolch yn fawr. Dwi’n teimlo’n well yn barod., I really hope so. Many thanks. I feel better already.
Wela i chi yn nes ymlaen. Pob lwc heddiw., I’ll see you later on. Good luck today.
Diolch. Hwyl!, Thanks. Bye!
Gwrandewch hefyd am y gair trydanwr / Listen for the word trydanwr(electrician)
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Delyth, Bore da. Cymdeithas Tai Conwy. Sut ga’i ch helpu chi?, Delyth, Good morning. How may I help you?
Galwr:, Sgynnoch chi drydanwr?, Caller:, Have you got an electrician?
Delyth:, Oes. Ond pam? Sgynnoch chi broblem efo’r trydan?, Delyth, But why? Have you got an electrical problem?
Galwr:, Oes. Dydy’r golau ddim yn gweithio., Caller, Yes. The light doesn’t work.
Delyth:, Peidiwch â phoeni. Mi fydd popeth yn iawn Be’dy’ch enw chi?, Delyth:, Don’t worry. Everything will be all right. What’s your name?
Galwr:, Dafydd Ifans, Caller, Dafydd Ifans
Delyth, Be’dy’ch cyfeiriad chi?, Delyth, What’s your address
Galwr:, 36\, Stryd y Bont Llanbedr, Caller, 36\, Stryd y Bont Llanbedr
Delyth, Sgynnoch chi ffôn symudol?, Delyth, Have you got a mobile phone?
Galwr:, Nacoes. Dim ond ffôn tŷ., Caller, No (I haven’t). Only a house phone.
Delyth, Dim problem. Mi wna i anfon trydanwr draw yn syth bin., Delyth, No problem I will send an electrician over straight away.
Mae Delyth yn adrodd yn ôl i’w rheolwr llinell am y broblem trydan yn nhŷ Dafydd Ifans./Delyth has to report back to her line manager about the electrical fault in Dafyd Ifans’ property.
Gwrandewch am diffygiol / Listen for diffygiol (defective)
Gwrandewch hefyd am gwirio’r goleuadau eraill / Also listen for gwirio’r goleuadau eraill check the other lights
[table class=”table”]
Adroddiad ar Dafydd Ifans, Report on Dafydd Ifans
Cyfeiriad – 36\, Stryd y Bont\, Llanbedr, Address: 36\, Stryd y Bont\, Llanbedr
Rhif ffôn – 01492 547826, Phone number – 01492 547826
Math o dŷ – tŷ pâr, Type of house – semi detached
Problemau? Golau trydan diffygiol yn y lolfa., Problems? Defective electric lights in the lounge
Dyddiad ac amser – Mawrth 3ydd am 10.30 yn y bore, Date and time – March 10.30 a.m.
Ymateb – Anfon trydanwr i osod ffiws newydd a gwirio’r goleuadau eraill., Response – Sending an electrician to replace fuse and to check the other lights.
There are several ways of forming the past tense. We shall use the simplest!
We can say Mi wnes i… which means I did…
So, to say anything I did in the past, all we need to do is to add any verb to Mi wnes i…
[table class=”table”]
e.g. I went, Mi wnes i fynd
I ate, Mi wnes i fwyta
I worked, Mi wnes i weithio
Similarly\, if we want to talk about what he or she did\, Mi wnes i changes to Mi wnaeth o or Mi wnaeth hi and becomes the stem of the verb.[attr colspan=”2″]
e.g He went,Mi wnaeth o fynd
She ate, Mi wnaeth hi fwyta
Gareth worked, Mi wnaeth Gareth weithio
Notice that in all cases\, a soft mutation comes after Mi wnes i or Mi wnaeth o or Mi wnaeth hi.[attr colspan=”2″]
In this conversation\, listen for Mi wnes i and mi wnaeth o~~~~Also\, listen for the question Be wnaethoch chi? (What did you…?)~~~~The Yes / No answers will be Do/Naddo~~Gwrandewch hefyd am ddim yn rhy ddrud – not too expensive.[attr colspan=”2″]
Sara: Bore da Ffion. Sut oedd y penwythnos?, Sara: Good morning\, Ffion. How was the week-end?
Ffion: Sut mae\, Sara? Mi wnes i gael penwythnos ardderchog!, Ffion: How are things Sara? I had an excellent week-end.
Beth wnaethoch chi wneud? Wnaethoch chi fynd i’r sinema?, What did you do? Did you go to the cinema?
Naddo. Mi wnes i fynd i dŷ bwyta newydd yng Nghonwy efo fy nghariad., No\, I didn’t. I went to a new restaurant in Conwy with my boyfriend.
Am lwcus! Be wnaethoch chi fwyta?, How lucky! What did you eat?
Mi wnes i fwyta cyw iâr\, pasta a saws tomato ac mi wnaeth Geraint gael pysgodyn a llysiau., I ate chicken\, pasta and tomato sauce and Geraint had fish and vegetables
Oedd y bwyd yn dda?, Was the food good?
Oedd. Roedd y pryd yn flasus iawn a ddim yn rhy ddrud., Yes it was. The meal was very tasty and not too expensive.
Wnaethoch chi yfed gwin hefyd?, Did you drink wine as well?
Do siwr! Ond dim ond un gwydraid. Mi wnes i yrru’r car., Yes\, of course! But only one glassful. I drove the car.
Dyma ’ch tro chi i ymarfer., Here’s your turn to practise..
Say I went to work on the bus, Mi wnes i fynd i’r gwaith ar y bws.
Say that he worked in St. Asaph, Mi wnaeth o weithio yn Llanelwy
Say that Ffion drank a cup of tea, Mi wnaeth Ffion yfed paned o dê.
Ask if you finished the work?, Wnaethoch chi orffen y gwaith?
Ask if Gareth answered the phone?, Wnaeth Gareth ateb y ffôn?
Practise Ga i (May I have ?) with the Soft Mutation and the Yes/No answers
Cewch (yes you may) and No chewch (No you may not)
for example Ga i baned o de? Cewch.
Notice how the first letter of the word paned mutates to baned.
Eich tro chi… Now, your turn…Translate the question and the answer.
[table class=”table”]
May I organise a meeting?, Yes you may.
Ga i drefnu cyfarfod?, Cewch
May I see the report?, No you may not. Not yet.
Ga i weld yr adroddiad?, Na chewch. Dim eto.
May I come to the office tomorrow?, Yes you may
Ga i ddod i’r swyddfa yfory?, Cewch
May I use the computer?, Of course you may
Ga i ddefnyddio’r cyfrifiadur?, Cewch\, siwr
Gwrandewch ar y sgwrs. Gwrandech am Ga i a’r treiglad meddal a’r atebion Cewch /Na chewch[attr colspan=”2″]
Derbynnydd: Bore da.~~Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd Alyn. Delyth yn siarad. Ga’i’ch helpu chi?, Receptionist: Good morning.~~Clwyd Alyn Housing Association. Delyth speaking. May I help you?
Galwr: Cewch. Dwi ddim yn siwr faint o rent sydd raid i mi dalu’r mis yma., Caller: Yes you may. I’m not sure how much rent I need to pay this month.
Delyth: Dim problem. Ga i gymryd manylion os gwelwch yn dda?, Delyth: No problem. May I take some details please?
Galwr: Cewch siwr. Sion Parri dwi o Fae Colwyn., Caller: Yes of course you may. I’m Sion Parri from Colwyn Bay.
Delyth: Be’dy’ch dyddiad geni chi Sion?, Delyth: What’s your date of birth\, Sion?
Galwr: Hydref y degfed un naw saith wyth., Caller: October the tenth 1978.
Delyth: A dyma fo. Ga i’ch cyfeiriad os gwelwch yn dda?, Delyth: Ah! Here it is. May I have your adress please?
Galwr: Cewch. Tŷ Tudno\, Ffordd y Bryn\, Bae Colwyn., Caller: Yes you may Tŷ Tudno\, Ffordd y Bryn\, Colwyn Bay.
Delyth: Ga i’ch cod post?, Delyth: May I have your post-code?
Galwr: Na chewch mae gen i ofn. Dwi ddim yn ‘i gofio fo!, Caller: I’m afraid not. I don’t remember it!
Mi wnawn ni fynd yn ôl at Delyth a Sion yn nes ymlaen.~~~~We shall return to Delyth and Sion later..[attr colspan=”2″]
Practising Wnewch chi? (Will you?) and the answers Wna i (Yes I will) / Na wna i (No I won’t)
er enghraifft / for example:
Wnewch chi wneud paned o de? Mi wna i
Notice how the first letter of the word gwneud mutates to wneud.
[table class=”table”]
Eich tro chi… Now\, your turn… Translate the question and the answer.[attr colspan=”2″]
Will you phone the office tomorrow?, Yes I will.
Wnewch chi ffonio’r swyddfa yfory?, Mi wna i.
Will you prepare a report on the case?, No I won’t . I have no time today.
Wnewch chi baratoi adroddiad ar yr achos?, Na wna i. Sgen i ddim amser heddiw.
Wnewch chi orffen yr adroddiad erbyn~~Dydd Gwener?, Mi wna i. Mae gen i amser prynhawn. fory
Dyma ni’n ôl efo sgwrs ffôn Delyth a Sion.~~Here we are – continuing with Delyth and Sion’s phone call..~~Gwrandewch am manylion y cyfri misol a gwirio~~~~Listen for manylion y cyfri misol (the monthly account details) and gwirio (to check)[attr colspan=”2″]
Dydy Sion ddim yn cofio’r cod-post., Sion doesn’t remember his post-code.
Gwandewch am dwi’n mynd at y meddyg. going to the doctor’s, Listen for dwi’n mynd at y meddyg –
Gwrandewch hefyd am I’r dim spot on!, Listen also for I’r dim – just right or
Delyth: Dim problem. Mi wna i gael y côd post o’r cyfrifiadur., Delyth: No problem. I will get the post-code from the computer.
Sion: Wnewch chi fy ffonio i efo manylion y cyfri misol?, Sion: Will you phone me with the monthly account details?
Delyth: Wrth gwrs mi wna i. Mi wna i ffonio pan fydda i wedi gwirio’ch cyfri., Delyth: Of course I will. I will phone when I’ve checked your account.
Sion: Pryd wnewch chi ffonio achos dwi’n mynd at y meddyg rwan., Sion: When will you phone because I’m going to the doctor’s now.
Delyth: Popeth yn iawn. Mi wna i’ch ffonio chi tua hanner dydd., Delyth: It’s quite all right. I will phone you around midday.
Sion: I’r dim. Diolch yn fawr., Sion: Excellent. Thank you very much.
All formal commands in Welsh end in – wch. Let’s take a look at a few:
[table class=”table”]
Sit!, Eisteddwch!
Come!, Dewch!
Go!, Ewch!
Excuse me!, Esgusodwch fi!
Turn!, Trowch!
Take!, Cymrwch!
Drive!, Gyrrwch!
Follow!, Dilynwch!
Stop!, Stopiwch!
Wait/Stay!, Arhoswch!
Look!, Edrychwch!
Don’t!, Peidiwch!
Let us now look at some useful vocabulary when directing someone:
[table class=”table”]
down the road, i lawr y ffordd
the first turning, y troad cyntaf
the second turning, yr ail droad
next door to, drws nesaf i
opposite, gyferbyn â
in front of you, o’ch blaen
to the right, i’r dde
to the left, i’r chwith
on the right, ar y dde
on the left, ar y chwith
[table class=”table”]
Profwch eich hun.~~Beth ydy rhain yn Gymraeg?, Test yourself.~~What are these commands in Welsh?
Turn right!, Trowch i’r dde
Go straight on!, Ewch yn syth ymlaen.
Next door to, Y drws nesaf i
Don’t speed!, Peidiwch â gor-yrru!
Take the second left, Cymrwch yr ail ar y chwith.
Drive slowly., Gyrrwch yn araf.
Stop at the lights, Arhoswch wrth y goleuadau
Opposite the church, Gyferbyn â’r eglwys
Read the sign, Darllenwch yr arwydd
Answer the phone, Atebwch y ffôn
Gwrandewch ar y sgwrs. Gwrandwch am Rhaid i chi i a’r treiglad meddal. Gwrandewch hefyd am y geiriau ffurflen gais a’r gair cyfweliad.
Listen to the conversation and listen out for Rhaid i chi (You must). Listen also for the words ffurflen gais(application form) and cyfweliad (interview).
[table class=”table”]
Derbynnydd: P’nawn da. Cymdeithas Tai Conwy., Receptionist: Good afternoon. Cymdeithas Tai Conwy.
Sam: Sut mae?. Sam Llwyd yn siarad., Sam: How’s things? Sam Llwyd here.
Derbynnydd: Ga’i’ch helpu chi?, Receptionist: May I help you?
Sam: Cewch. Sgynnoch chi swyddi gwag yn y swyddfa ar hyn o bryd?, Sam: Yes (you may) Do you have work vacancies in the office at the moment?
Derbynnydd: Oes. Mae gynnon ni swydd ran-amser yn y dderbynfa., Receptionist: Yes we have. We have a part-time job in the reception.
Sam: I’r dim. Pa fath o waith ydy o?, Sam: Perfect. What kind of work is it?
Derbynnydd: Rhaid i chi ateb y ffôn a chymryd negeseuon. Rhaid i chi hefyd anfon e-bost a trefnu apwyntiadau. Mae’r gwaith yn ddiddorol iawn., Receptionist: You must answer the phone and take messages. You must also send e-mails and arrange appointments. The work is very interesting.
Sam: Ardderchog. Ga i ddod i mewn i drafod y swydd efo chi?, Sam: Excellent. May I come in to discuss the job with you?
Derbynnydd: Na chewch mae arna i ofn. Rhaid i chi lenwi ac anfon ffurflen gais. Wedyn rhaid i ni drefnu dyddiad ac amser i chi gael cyfweliad., Receptionist: No (you may not) I’m afraid. You must fill in and send an application form. Then we must arrange a date and time for you to have an interview.
Sam: Diolch yn fawr. Dwi’n edrych ymlaen i weithio efo chi!, Sam: Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to working with you.
[table class=”table”]
Profwch eich hun.~~Beth ydy rhain yn Gymraeg?, Test yourself.~~What are the following in Welsh?
May I help you?, Ga’i’ch helpu chi?
May I speak with a Welsh speaker please?, Ga’i siarad efo siaradwr Cymraeg os gwelch yn dda?
Can I take a message?, Ga’ i gymryd neges?
I’m sorry\, he’s not here., Mae’n ddrwg gen i\, dydy o ddim yma.
Hold the line for a minute., Daliwch y lein am funud.
Do you want to make an appointment?, Dach chi isio gneud apwyntiad?
Will you talk slowly please?, Wnewch chi siarad yn araf os gwelwch yn dda?
The easiest way of forming the future tense is to add different verbs to a a basic phrase pattern.
This is very much as we did on Trac 13 when we added verbs to the Mi wnes i pattern in order to form the past tense.
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This time the basic phrase pattern is, Mi fydda i – I will be…..
e.g. I will be going tomorrow, Mi fydda i’n mynd yfory
He will be going tomorrow, Mi fydd o’n mynd fory.
And to ask someone where will you be working? fyddwch chi…?, We add yn gweithio to the basic Lle
So\, Where will you be working next week?, Lle fyddwch chi’n gweithio wythnos nesaf?
Gwrandewch ar sgwrs rhwng Ffion a Sioned.
Listen to a conversation between Ffion and Sioned.
[table class=”table”]
Sioned: Bore da Ffion. Mae hi’n fendigedig heddiw!, Sioned: Good morning Ffion. It’s a glorious day today!
Ffion: Pam dach chi’n swnio mor hapus heddiw Sioned?, Ffion: Why do you sound so happy today\, Sioned?
Wel\, ddoe\, mi wnes i gael cyfweliad am swydd newydd ac ro’n i’n llwyddiannus. Mi fydda i’n dechrau fel Derbynydd yn Nant y Coed\, Prestatyn ddechrau’r mis nesaf., Well\, I had an interview yesterday and I was successful. I will be starting as a receptionist in Nant y Coed\, Prestatyn at the start of next month.
Llongyfarchiadau . Dwi’n falch o glywed ond mi fydda i’n drist iawn pan fyddwch chi’n mynd. Dwi’n hoffi cael sgwrs a phaned efo chi bob hyn a hyn., Congratulations. I’m pleased to hear that but I will be very sad when you will be going. I like to have a chat and a cuppa with you every now and then.
Mi fydda i’n drist i adael hefyd ond mi fydd y swydd newydd yn agosach at fy nghartref ac mi fydda i’n medru bod yn y tŷ erbyn i’r plant gyrraedd adref o’r ysgol., I will be sad to leave as well but the new job will be closer to my home and I will be able to be home before the children come home from school.
Meddyliwch! Fyddwch chi ddim yn gorfod gyrru i’r gwaith., Just think! You will not have to drive to work.
Fydda i ddim yn gorfod dal y bws chwaith – dim ond cerdded i lawr y ffordd!, I will not have to catch the bus either\, only to walk down the road.
Sut fyddwch chi’n dathlu?, How will you be celebrating?
Wel\, mi fydd fy ngŵr a fi a’r plant yn mynd i’r sinema i weld Toy Story heno ac yna mi fyddwn ni’n cael pitsa., Well\, my husband and I and the children will be going to the cinema to see Toy Story tonight and then we will have a pizza.!
Fydd pawb yn hapus felly!, Everyone will be happy\, then!
In order to demonstrate linguistic courtesy and to facilitate language choice it is Service policy to open and close public meetings bilingually. Therefore here are some useful phrases.
Agor cyfarfod / Opening a meeting
[table class=”table”]
Welcome to the meeting., Croeso i’r cyfarfod
Welcome to North Wales Housing, Croeso i “Tai Gogledd Cymru”
Thank you for coming., Diolch i chi am ddod..
Good morning and welcome., Bore da a chroeso.
A warm welcome to…, Croeso cynnes i…
May I introduce … to you., Ga’ i gyflwyno… i chi.
Mr …. is going to talk about…, Mae Mr … yn mynd i siarad am…
Cau cyfarfod / Closing a meeting
[table class=”table”]
Thank you for showing us your support this morning., Diolch am ddangos eich cefnogaeth i ni’r bore yma.
Thank you for taking part in the meeting today., Diolch i chi am gymryd rhan yn y cyfarfod heddiw.
Dewch i’r cyfarfod! / Come to the meeting!
[table class=”table”]
Noswaith dda a chroeso. Croeso arbennig i Mr Evans. Mae Mr Evans yn mynd i siarad am…., Good evening and welcome. A special welcome to Mr Evans. Mr Evans is going to talk about……
Diolch yn fawr iawn\, Mr Evans., Thank you very much\, Mr Evans.
Prynhawn da a chroeso. Diolch i chi am ddod i’r cyfarfod heddiw., Good afternoon and welcome. Thank you for coming to the meeting today.
Diolch i chi am gymryd rhan yn y cyfarfod heddiw., Thank you for taking part in the meeting today.
This time you will hear only the Welsh conversation. There will be a few questions at the end so you can gauge how well you have understood. The English translation of the dialogue will be at the very end – so you can check your answers!
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Mewn cyfweliad – In an interview.
[table class=”table”]
Mae gan Sam gyfweliad fel derbynnydd yng Nghymdeithas Tai Conwy.~~Sam has an interview as a receptionist in Cymdeithas Tai Conwy.~~Gwrandewch am Adran Adnoddau Dynol (Human Resources)~~Listen for Adran Adnoddau Dynol (Human Resources)~~Gwrandewch hefyd am ferfau gorchmynnol yn gorffen gyda –wch.~~Also\, listen for Commands – ending in –wch.
[table class=”table”]
Mrs. Lewis: Bore da. Mrs. Lilian Lewis dwi o’r Adran Adnoddau Dynol. Wnewch chi gyflwyno’ch hun os gwelwch yn dda?
Sam : Sam Llwyd ydw i a dwi’n byw yng Nglan Conwy er mai o Gaernarfon dwi’n dod yn wreiddiol.
Mrs. Lewis: Wel\, Sam. Diolch am eich ffurflen gais ac am ddod i’r cyfweliad heddiw. Mi wna i ofyn cwestiynau i chi. Cymrwch eich amser\, peidiwch â bod yn nerfus a meddyliwch yn ofalus cyn ateb.
Sam: O’r gorau.
Mrs. Lewis: Dach chi’n barod?
Sam: Ydw.
Mrs. Lewis: Pam dach chi eisiau gweithio efo Cymdeithas Tai Conwy?
Sam: Dwi’n hoffi cyfarfod a helpu pobl a dwi wrth fy modd yn gweithio ar y cyfrifiadur.
Mrs Lewis: Diolch.
Yr ail gwestiwn: pa brofiad sgynnoch chi o’r math yma o waith?
Sam: Mi wnes i weithio yn Asda am ddwy flynedd ar ôl gadael yr ysgol ond ers deg mis rwan ro’n i’n gweithio yn y dderbynfa yn fy hen ysgol\, yn ateb y ffôn ac yn cymryd negeseuon. Ro’n i wrth fy modd!
Mrs Lewis: Felly\, pam wnaethoch chi adael?
Sam: Swydd dros-dro oedd hi ac mi wnaeth y derbynnydd ddod yn ôl pan oedd ei babi yn ddigon hen,
Mrs Lewis: Diolch.
Sgynnoch chi gwestiwn i mi?
Sam: Oes. Fydda i’n y Dderbynfa ar fy mhen fy hun?
Mrs. Lewis: Na fyddwch. Dim fel arfer. Mae pawb yng Nghymdeithas Tai Conwy’n gweithio fel rhan o dîm. Ydy hynny’n ateb eich cwestiwn?
Sam. Ydy diolch.
Mrs Lewis.: Diolch i chi am ddod i’r cyfweliad. Mi fydda i’n eich ffonio chi gyda’r penderfyniad ddiwedd prynhawn heddiw.
Sam. Diolch am y cyfle.
[table class=”table”]
Reit. Dyna’r cyfweliad. Rwan dyma’r cwestiynau. Mae rhai o’r cwestiynau anodd yn cael eu gofyn yn Saesneg hefyd. Pob lwc!
Right. So that’s the interview. Now the questions. The harder ones will also be asked in English. Good luck!
1. Ble mae Sam Llwyd yn byw? Glan Conwy
2. O le mae Sam yn dod yn wreiddiol? Caernarfon
3. Beth ydy’r gair Cymraeg am application form? Ffurflen gais
4. Beth ydy’r gair Cymraeg am interview? Cyfweliad
5. Pa dri gorchymyn wnaeth Mrs. Lewis roi i Sam cyn y cyfweliad?
What three commands did Mrs. Lewis give Sam before the interview?
Cymrwch eich amser\, peidiwch â bod yn nerfus a meddyliwch yn ofalus cyn ateb.
Take your time\, don’t be nervous and think carefully before answering
6. Pam bod Sam eisiau gweithio i Gymdeithas Tai Conwy?
Mae Sam yn hoffi cyfarfod a helpu pobl ac mae hi wrth ei bodd yn gweithio ar y cyfrifiadur.
Sam likes to meet and help people and she loves working on the computer.
7. Am faint o amser oedd Sam yn gweithio yn Asda? Dwy flynedd(two years)
8. Lle roedd Sam yn gweithio wedyn? Where did Sam work after?
Roedd Sam yn gweithio yn y dderbynfa yn ei hen ysgol yn ateb y ffôn a chymryd negeseuon.
Sam worked in the reception at her old school\, answering the phone and taking messages.
9. Pam wnaeth Sam adael y swydd yna?
Why did Sam leave that job?
Oherwydd swydd dros dro oedd hi ac mi wnaeth y derbynnydd ddod yn ôl pan oedd ei babi’n ddigon hen.
Because it was a temporary job and the receptionist came back when her baby was old enough.
10. Beth ydy cwestiwn Sam i Mrs. Lewis?
Fydda i’n gweithio yn y dderbynfa ar fy mhen fy hun?
11. Beth ydy ateb Mrs. Lewis?
Mae pawb yng Nghymdeithas Tai Conwy’n gweithio yn rhan o dîm.
12. Pryd fydd Mrs. Lewis yn ffonio Sam?
Ddiwedd prynhawn heddiw the end of this afternoon.
13. Am beth mae Sam yn diolch i Mrs. Lewis ar ddiwedd y cyfweliad?
For what does Sam thank Mrs. Lewis at the end of the interview?
Am y cyfle For the opportunity.
Sut wnaethoch chi? Rwan gwrandewch ar y cyfweliad yn Saesneg.
How did you do? Now\, listen to the interview in English.
[table class=”table”]
Mrs. Lewis: Good morning. I’m Lilian Lewis from the Human Resources Department. Will you introduce yourself please?
Sam: I’m Sam Llwyd and I live in Glan Conwy although I’m originally from Caernarfon.
Mrs. Lewis: Well\, Sam. Thank you for your application form and for coming to the interview today. I will ask you questions. Take your time\, don’t be nervous and think carefully before answering.
Sam: Fine.
Mrs. Lewis: Are you ready?
Sam: Yes.
Mrs Lewis: Why do you want to work with Cymdeithas Tai Conwy?
Sam: I like meeting and helping people and I love working on the computer.
Mrs Lewis: Thank you.
The second question: What experience do you have of this kind of work?
Sam: I worked at Asda for two years after leaving school but since ten months now I’ve been working in Reception at my old school; answering the phone and taking messages. I loved it!
Mrs. Lewis: So\, why did you leave?
Sam: It was a temporary job and the receptionist returned when her baby was old enough.
Mrs Lewis: Thank you. Have you got a question for me?
Sam: Yes. Will I be working on my own in Reception?
Mrs Lewis: No. Not usually. Everyone in Cymdeithas Tai Conwy works as part of a team. Does that answer your question?
Sam: Yes thank you.
Mrs Lewis: Thank you for coming today. I will be phoning you with the decision later on this afternoon today.
Sam: Thank you for the opportunity.